Hamilton Wildcats was an easy team to play for. Great Coach, lots of talent, logs of toughness. American opponents 9-0 was mandatory!
The more I listen, the more I admire! Thanks Gino
Hi Gino. I checked out your website and video—I love it ” I am on your side!” What a great teaching. Working with so many people as you have over the years, also in the police force and as a detective, I can see you have dedicated your life to the betterment of others—not just their bodies, but psyche and mental wellbeing as well.
Good luck on your opening this week. Fingers crossed. I reopened my club last month and it went way better than I thought it would. PS love your video, “I am on your side!” Let’s connect once the dust settles. Chat soon.
Your “Pizzelle” video holds a great message, Gino. I think you pointed out something that all entrepreneurs with a conscience struggle with. If we don’t make a decision, we suffer. And if we do what our heart tells us, we suffer. But if we submit to personal gain at the expense of others—that’s the absolute worst we can do in business.
Coach, lifetime of respect for the motivation and fire you brought to the game for all of us. #lifelifter
I find that when listening to Gino, my workout is 50% more productive as a result of his Blunt, truthful and refreshing comments that are applicable to all phases of life.
So I stumbled across Gino and have watched many of his videos. His messages are not for the weak but for those who strive to be the best. Yup, he is blunt—not everyone’s style—but in my opinion we all need a little blunt! As a mother of two young athletes I strongly recommend reading Gino’s social media content! It is so true: “Parents who shelter their kids from losing and make excuses for losing deprive their kids of Natural Learning, of Natural Education that teaches them Field-Survival and Street-Survival for when they become adults. Sheltering student-athletes from losing and making excuses for losing deprives student-athletes from learning Natural Real-Life Lessons. It’s the equivalent of withholding their school education. Losing taught my teams exactly what they needed to know to win. (by Gino Arcaro)”
I liked the episode of your podcast that was taking about how passion is not found. That’s some really powerful stuff.
Even just listening to one episode… I feel like it would be pretty impossibly NOT to rise to the occasion with you as a no-nonsense / probably can be scary at times, kind of coach. I say that in the best way possible. The fitness industry is flooded with what seems to be softies that aren’t focusing on one-on-one, hardcore workouts / training. I’m sure you see it even more than I do.
Extremely uplifting! Gino’s podcast is a must listen if you’re ever feeling down and out. One listen and you’ll feel ready to tackle life!!!
Gino. You are a truly amazing and aspiring person. You have supported me through my journey and your podcast helps solidify how truly amazing you are. Keep up the positive message you provide! #shutupandlift2016
Great Article. Love the connection between lifting weights and lifting our attitudes/mindset, I don’t think that gets talked about enough.
Just finished 4th and hell….great book great message got a lot out of it. Listening to your podcasts—man, so good!
The Focus. It gets to the point in what needs to get done to get to your goals. For example my personal goal is to keep fit for life, work, etc. What I totally agree with in the podcast is you need to learn how to “work” or workout alone and without distractions. This is a must.
Looking Awesome Coach—you’ve taught us so much about health and healthy attitudes. You not only taught me the game of football but what being a Champion is about—lessons I keep with me til this day. Keep up the great work!
Thank you for Soul of a Lifter —almost done reading it. It’s not wishy-washy. It’s real. The book and the gym combination is the first time in my life fitness has worked
Hi Coach, I’m an assistant coach (defensive backs) at Castelfranco Cavaliers, Italy. I spent my last two years as defensive coordinator at Vicenza Hurricanes, a 9-man football team. To increase my knowledge, I bought your e-book “SWAT Defense”. After my personal adjustment (for 9 men) I tried this defensive system. We ended the season 6th in scoring Defense and 3rd in total Defense! I want to thank you very much for this great resource. I’m very proud to be your Facebook friend!
Thank you very much Mr. Arcaro! I have already put a tab for your blog on my computer and I check it daily. Definitely will stay in touch! Thank you for providing a great environment for me to train in for the last couple months.
Killing the clock kills team spirit. Ugh, Gino! I’m with you on this one, and I’ve seen the effects of having my kids or older guys pull back on the throttle. All too often the opponents start coming back, and I’ve found it difficult getting my own players to get things in gear again. The reason for my “Ugh”? It’s that there are those out there who will crucify us for increasing a lead after a given point. For some reason, it’s like un-American to keep playing to your abilities, no matter the score.
Gino, if not for Facebook, I wouldn’t have come across a great mind like yours. Too much mediocrity everywhere. I’m applying your tips in my life, I swear!
Very useful thoughts and words… the USMC has made this a core philosophy—NEVER hold ground—always move forward—attack, attack, attack!
Coach, I am a witness that you were teaching safe tackling before anyone around here. Finally, it is getting more attention. It’s a good thing because it may be the only way to save our game long term. I coach on 3 teams now and find myself carrying many of the values you taught me. Blessed to have played for Coach Gino Arcaro. He turned boys into men and was always ahead of his time with strategy and safety. Can’t slack when Coach is around!
You speak the truth Gino, but the first thing must be the Strength and Conditioning Coach! He must have his team so well conditioned, that they can never be exhausted on the field! If they aren’t physically ready , no plan or tactics will Work! Gino, I know you know this but a lot of others DO NOT!
I really enjoyed Gino’s books. I loved 4th & Hell and I’m currently reading Selling H.E.L.L. in Hell. I would highly recommend any Sports fan or Entrepreneur to read his books.
Soul of a Lifter is remarkable. It has significantly influenced my re-birth. It is truly inspiring and gives REAL perspective. It is as REAL as literature gets. This book has “lifted” me out of the darkest days of my life. I am so happy that this book was written. Everyone has opinions and experiences but this writing style resonates like no other. Reality TV, Self help books… all have been reinvented by Gino and there is a new standard. Read Soul of a Lifter. Gino is ONE of a kind.
Jeff Benoit BSc, CSCS, CEES (BlueBear#34)
Watching this game definitely brought back memories of my football days with coach Gino Arcaro. 100 offensive plays a game minimum!
If you are looking for motivation, inspiration, information or just plain old wisdom, Gino’s blog is for you. Unscripted, straight from the soul and chalked full of information, Gino’s blog will have you begging for more with each and every post!
My first day at the gym… motivated by Soul of a Lifter… read all of it. Great book—gave it to a friend who is reading excerpts to his wife!
Great book, on the row on my bookshelf with other favourite books, Catch 22, The Fountainhead, Atlas Shrugged, Fifth Business, Grapes of Wrath. A classic is a classic; keep them coming Gino!
Just finished an incredible workout that rivaled the Gino Arcaro days from the mid-nineties. Incredible. I still can hear your voice to push me further and further into the realm of preparation and taking care of your body. So far I’ve lost eighteen pounds and have four more to go. This has been a blast and it feels good to get back to ME! Thanks — with Gino Arcaro at “In My Celler Pumping Iron!”
I was slacking off. SOAL motivated me. I read lots of motivational books. Nothing like Soul of a Lifter. Different than any motivational book.
Soul of a Lifter is so IMPACTFUL that I think I have made notes on 40% of the book. It’s like a course for life. I will have to read it again, this time without pen and notepad in hand. How DID you get in my head?! my favourite chapter was about the flour mill… if it’s possible to have a favourite. I have many.
I also wanted to say that I work out on my own, at my high school gym. Soul of a Lifter has forced me to complete extra reps at the end of my sets. It’s like an invisible workout partner, an excellent motivator. Your discussion about working through the pain and not leaving reps out there are amazing for me. The title could have been either “motivational tool” or “invisible workout partner.”
I would like to thank-you for your wisdom and education. I enjoyed the way you instructed and made the law both fascinating and practical. But above the curriculum, your commentaries, experiences, and wisdom truly enriched the education in ways you will not know. For example, you would often teach to look at a situation, consider what the worst possible outcome could be, and address it to avoid that outcome. This is only one of so many tidbits you offered which have proved to serve me and others well in our careers within law enforcement. The way you taught inspired greatness, instilled a passion for law enforcement, justice and INTEGRITY. You made our education exciting, challenging, comprehensive, and still so very practical today. All the best to you Professor Arcaro, and your family.
Was such an honour to be on your show Gino Arcaro! Your interview style is incredible. You deliver great questions and really dig to the heart of what your listener’s will get for the most value! I’ll be sharing this more my friend!
I appreciate you being a voice of good news on your Podcast. Your expertise and passion are rare. Keep fighting the good fight. Thank you for the pleasure of the interview. Believing listeners will pick up some valuable insights that will extend their influence and rewards. Be well!
Hope all is well up North. Let it be known that your books were one of many influences that inspired me to keep going with a positive spirit!
Love the energy in your videos Gino
Gino….always an inspiration. I am reading your awesome book Soul of a Lifter. So far I can’t put it down. I remember you, always passionate and of course you still are on weightlifting, football, policing and life in general. Great job buddy. I wish you continued success and God Bless.
Give a Listen to Gino Arcaro – Good Man with Great Value to share!
Great Article. Love the connection between lifting weights and lifting our attitude/mindset. I don’t think that gets talked about enough.
Congrats on the 18th anniversary of your gym. Most businesses never make it to that age, especially in the fitness industry, but I’m sure each of us know it is more than luck. It is that relentless hard work and perseverance that got you guys there and will keep you going as long as you want it. Congrats again and all the best, it is well-deserved.
“Freebies make people lazy to commit to goals.” What an interesting article worth archiving. The day I started charging for my services, the more valuable I became. The fitness world is still worth investing in… Thanks for the article.
I needed to read this at this very moment in a way you probably understand, but in a way which I find hard to properly express. Trying to keep my chin up. Thank you for the valuable insight.
Jack Kieven
Hey Gino it was nice to finally meet you last night. Your really are inspirational in your no bullshit approach to life in a time when people sugar coat stuff so as to not hurt feelings. You tell it like it is – the world needs more of that.
Coach Arcaro, it has been so long since we last spoke. I’m not coaching at the moment, as I have moved into high school administration.
At least once a day, I reflect on something I have learned from one of your books or I quote you directly from one of your books. We have never met, but I’ve learned so much from you.
Coach, I can’t wait to catch up with you soon & find out what you have been devoting your energy to lately. I’m sure you have been making better people & building capacity in others; that’s what you do. You are a true servant-leader & a man of the highest character & integrity.
God bless you & your family, Coach Arcaro.
Reading Soul of a Lifter for the second time. Your writing and experience is a true inspiration. Amazing work. Thank you for sharing Mr. Arcaro.
I’m really glad FB provides me this medium to thank you Professor. We used your text on use of force and Tactics (the Black Covered One with the Street Light Shadows) when I was at the Military Police Academy in Borden. You have been a continual, credible, reliable source of knowledge through the first twenty years of my career…I thankfully look forward to what you will share with us all in the next twenty years Sir.
4th and Hell is Sun Tzu’s Art of War written by James Joyce and played out on a college football field. Oh, and did they get the 2 points and tie the match? You’ll just have to read the book and see.
Sorry Gino that it took so long to get back to you. I feel very flattered that a guy like you read and appreciated my book. I appreciate you and your motivation. I wish you all the best, JK
Your “overtime” video…I can relate. In 2015, the second summer at my job I worked 200 hours of overtime in 2 months. That didn’t include my regularly scheduled shifts. My Mom was upset, people at work thought I was crazy…
I got a ride to work every day that year, because we only had one car. My Dad, would pick me up at work or drop me off a car. I was 31 years old. That summer, I bought a new-to-me van, with cash I saved by working overtime. I know what it feels like to put everything in. And I know what the reward is too.
I’m glad I have this opportunity to train with you. I am thankful. Also, just listened to your videos on Instagram from today…LOVE the description “savage workout.”
Very few can understand what Gino talks about when speaking of passion. He is a rare mentor and I have been at the Elite level for 52 years. I coached Human Performance the way he speaks. It’s not for everyone. It must be seen to even have a chance to understand. Gino. Not many “people” understand your words or your Mission! We are hard core , passion, love, family!
Loving your videos bro. You remind me of the Ultimate Warrior, Jim Hellwig. Pure truth, pure love.
You made a lasting impact on me. I’m playing LB for the Sarnia Imperials. I think everything I experienced with you as a coach has given me unrealistic expectations of other coaches. LOL. I miss your type of fierce presence on the field. You demanded the best and somehow found it in those willing to shut up, listen and learn.
Being interviewed on Gino’s podcast gave me the confidence to sell my football system—it was my “breakthrough.”
Had my first book sitting on the back burner for 10 years-just couldn’t finish it. Then I was interviewed by Gino Arcaro for his Blunt Talk podcast. He inspired me to finish the book. Have since gone on to write several more. Thanks Gino!
I’m proof that if you really want it, you will make the time and everyone deserves a lil’ ME time. Thanks to the awesome staff at X Fitness, Welland for inspiring me and introducing me to the world of weights! Thanks again Gino Arcaro and Leeann Arcaro-King!
Reading Soul of a Lifter. “My life is better because of it.”
You were my professor at college. I kept your books. Your podcast are incredibly helpful. Working through the tough workouts. Want to be “fit for duty.” You are an amazing coach. Thank you.
Hi Coach. Hope all is well. The Hamilton Wildcats ring (in your post) brings back some great memories! That was a special team and you are a special Coach. I learned a lot as an 18-year-old kid and was able to pass on knowledge and work ethic to other teams I played on even in other sports. Never forget running “4th-quarter sprints” at Woodlands Park. Thank you!
I’ve know you for over 15 years. First as a player and now as a friend and mentor. I was a 5’2, 220 lbs. RB. I was never meant to be a football player, but I was passionate about it. No one believed in me but you. You said, “Joel if half my team had your heart, we would be in the States. I wish teams and coaches would look past your size.” Those words left a hug impact on me and from that moment forward, I felt like I had something to prove to myself, my team and any other doubters, but more importantly, make you proud! I am currently a purple belt in Brazilin Jiu-Jitsu and raining for the World Championships in Las Vegas. I can honestly say that you’ve helped me get to where I am today. Listening to your podcast finds me thinking back to the gridiron days –it makes me smile and motivates me to continue to strive to do great things for myself and others. Than you Coach for showing me that hard work does pay off and that believing in yourself can take you places. Everyone needs a Coach Gino in their lives and if ever they do get that opportunity I just hope they realize how lucky they are. God bless.
Coach Gino Arcaro formed a power house high school team that was incredible and unstoppable—never winning a game by less than 50 points and never allowing more than one touchdown. A few of us moved on to play ball in many leagues from high school and university to the pros. Coach introduced me to a passion at affected my whole life. Coach always sad, “Never give up.” Fourteen years after high school, I got my first shot at the Pro’s. Thank you Coach Arcaro for turning me into a football machine.
Love Gino and indeed felt a kindred chemistry with him. All of you are cool folks, but he is clearly an exceptional, one-of-a-kind soul. I’d love to work with him as a coach one day. His is one impressive, inspiring, heroic man.
The most influential; Gino Arcaro taught me leadership, loyalty, hard work weight lifting, friendship, team building and what it means to truly trust a team. Next to my own father, he is the individual responsible for the man I have become!! Thank you Coach.
Gino I read your article on American Football Coaches Association. The article on the SWAT team was pretty interesting and so true. It’s amazing how your team was doing those things in the early 90’s. From what I’ve seen, not too many were blending defenses at that time. More of it is starting to happen now, but I still see a number of coaches doing the exact same things and not taking into account what your article talks about. Good article; can’t wait to read Part 2.
Coach Arcaro, I just wanted the thank you again for the SWAT No Huddle Offense book. We have incorporated so many elements of your SWAT philosophy into what we do on a daily basis. In fact, I have quoted you verbatim in our “Plan to Win”. The kids love the “Five Smooth Stones” analogy—it is apropos and relevant for our program as we are a fast, undersized Catholic school. We take great pride in the fact that we are DAVID taking on GOLIATH every game. Next season we will not huddle whatsoever—I am excited to battle-test our offense.
Hey coach! I wanted to let you know, I’ve won my first Championship as a coach, last Saturday. The Offensive scheme I’ve been using is based on your SWAT Offense! Thank you!! I see a lot of good coming.
Congrats on all the writing achievements. During my security career I had heard through the grapevine that you had written some of the industry standard texts on search and seizure. You are one of the greater influences in my life thus far. I learned a lot during the short time I spent playing football for you. It was definitely a privilege.
Hi Mr. & Mrs. Arcaro. Just wanted to let you know I made it through training camp at York U alive! I secured the starting receiver job and in our loss to Windsor, I led the team with 3 catches and 45 yds. I’m 26th in the CIS for receiving—give me a few weeks and I’ll change that! I also averaged 8 yds. on 7 punt returns. I wanted to thank you for the opportunity to play for the X-Men and for helping me realize the benefit of staying in school—attending University—by playing football! Take care.
Just wanted to acknowledge the influence your books and words have had on my lifting journey. I’ve been lifting for 15 years since starting in Corrections. I tore my pec and the same year sprained my back. My weight ballooned because the injuries affected my workouts. Your words have had a huge impact on me and my desire to return to a leaner more fit self and my goal is to fight the bulge forever! Your advice to get a lifting coach has had a huge impact. There are very few people I have met in my life who I look to for motivation. You are among them…so thanks for sharing your journey and experience. Not only do I love reading your work, but I’ve adopted several of your practices and am enjoying the results. To sum up to some guys at work I said your book is like a pocket coach (if the book were pocket sized).
Coach, how is your family? I think about what you and your family did for me almost everyday. In my work with kids I am always telling them what you did for me. I had never really seen myself playing College football, much less in the U.S. until you became my coach. I often tell the kids the story you told us during your first meeting with the team. You said, “You guys don’t know how lucky you are. You get to go out and beat the crap out of people and there is absolutely nothing that the police can do about it.” I don’t know if I will ever be able to thank you, but just know that I have never forgotten what you and your family did for me.
Hey Coach, I just wanted to thank you for every6thing you did for my life. The Niagara Colts program instilled the values that made me successful today. You made a huge difference in my life and allowed me to realize that anything is possible. I am currently teaching junior high in Alberta and coaching minor football here. I will be competing in my first Ironman this summer! Thanks for everything Coach.
I see you are still living and promoting all things good. I know you probably reach a wide audience. Those who tune in are better for it. Thanks for your dedication to football; many great habits stuck with me through the years. Thanks for that!!
Yes, the good old days. I can hear you yelling at me now! You’re the greatest coach I’ve ever played for.
Today I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Gino Arcaro on his podcast, Blunt Talk. We spoke in depth about my new book, “When Leadership Matters”, and the various components of effective leadership. Gino has a great passion for humanity and podcasts are inspiring and uplifting. “Lord hide me from my enemies, even if the enemy your hide is me!”
Just bought your book, Fat Losing. Hard to put down. Wanted to know more about the man behind the book and see we are neighbours. Hamiltonian here…Great life story and most of all great message…it’s blunt and to the point. Looking forward to buying more books.
Thank you Coach!!! I love your blogs and posts. They fire me up. As always, you are very inspirational and I still consider you the best coach I ever had. You made us all so tough. I’ll never forget the best years of football I played with you. I have been coaching as well the past few years at high school level – just the DBs. I try to make them tough too. Football has changed a lot eh? Crazy. Getting soft out there… I often think of colliding into kids under you as a young man. The best of memories. Always in my heart coach.
Coach Arcaro. How are you sir? Just wanted to say hello to you and hope you and the whole Arcaro family is doing great. My company, Viking Security, recently worked an event in Niagara Falls and a former police detective was there with us. He told me what an awesome guy you are and I told him you were like a second father to me during football. I just wanted to say thank you for everything you ever did for football players, police officers and for people like me. I wouldn’t be the successful person I am today if I didn’t live by the things you taught me. Hope all is great!
I’ve read Gino’s Soul of a Lifter, 3 times. Working with the Dead is a great book about reaching your full potential and living in the category of “living dead.”
Hey Coach!!!! Hope you remember me. You were and always will be my favourite coach. I have done some coaching myself now.
Thank you for your input into Annel’s life. It came at a time when a young man needed to be taught FORTITUDE, ENDURANCE and COMMITMENT. Every practice session has left its mark in Annel’s life… no one knew then that your training and discipline would be transferred through him into the military all the way to the Afghanistan warzone. My God bless you and your family for every minute that you have invested in my son’s life. Our family is still reaping the fruits of you coaching…especially my 4 grandchildren.
This being coaches week, I would like to send a special thank you to Coach Gino Arcaro. My playing days may have been over for a long time, but the lessons I learned on that field through him have helped shape who I am today. He taught us the value of preparation, determination and accountability. As I’ve become a coach myself, I have tried to pass on those same lessons to the men on my team. Coach not only made us better ball players, but helped us become better men. Thanks Coach for all you have done and continue to do!
Time does pass but the bonds that hold you and I together—others will never, ever be able to live how we did! War is war and we showed the world our squad put the work in and destroyed them on all levels. We should be proud of all we did together because there will never be another group like that to do what we did and how we did it. We played them all and beat them all lol. Brooklyn Mariners. Lol. We broke their 4-yr unbeatable record!
Respect coach we showed them what a colourful group could do with a Great Coach! We could have played in the NFL and I mean that. There was no one like you! You made me shine and hurt mother f’ers. I remember you guys beat me up at practice thinking I was going to quit. But when I showed up for practice the next day I f’n hurt them all and you knew I was no joke. You earned everything from me Coach. You know me, I would have died for you out there. You are truly a great man of our day. F the rest who don’t know it! You were one of the meanest son of a bitches I ever player for but 100% loved it! It has always been an honour to call you my coach. I will never forget you for all you did for all of us. You are a great man coach!!! Never forget that.