Thank you for the business questions every single day from social media followers. Here’s part of my answer:
If you can go broke, it can break you. Starting a #business from scratch with your own #money is completely different than working in someone else’s business, teaching business, studying business. The fight not to go broke in mind-body-soul-bank is a life & death fight. Winning is not an alternative when you can lose everything. Self-generated professions are not a game where you get to figure it out #NextYear after you get eliminated because of underachieving & incompetence. Unlike sports, workplaces don’t have timeouts, referees, 60 minute game-time limit. I’ve coached football for 40 years and owned a gym for 20 years. Contrary to the bullshit that sports prepare you for real-life, winning at football and winning at business are completely different concepts. Convincing people to workout for the rest of their lives in your gym business is tougher than any challenge coaching football I’ve faced. Making the right calls in business and making the right calls in football have zero relationship.
I never have and never will believe the bullshit of do what you love and you will never work another day in your life. I love working out more than any human I have ever met. No exceptions. 51-year workout streak in-progress. All-natural, no steroids, no drugs. Bad news – 98.6% of people don’t love working out. My love for working out has zero relevance in making my gym business work. It doesn’t matter what I love. What matters is convincing other people to love working out like I do to ensure lifetime, repeat customers.
Self-generated business survival is governed by the Law of Proportion – the more bad calls you make, the more likely you lose everything and go broke. If you go broke and lose everything, you will lose more than just a game. Football leadership and gym business leadership have nothing in common – zero. When it’s your money at stake, it takes a different level of leadership than chasing after blue-chip superstars with someone else’s money. Gym business survival is far more complicated than just loving working out, loving football.
Thank you for all your questions about working out, football, law enforcement jobs, hiring, business and writing. Find out how to truly “do what you love,” along with all the answers to the questions you’ve asked, about how to get #BigMuscles and #BigMoney, at our rebuilt website by purchasing a monthly membership subscription. You’ll receive audio, video and ebo0ks every month.
My podcast is Blunt Talk Podcast
Blessings and all good things