Whether you know it or not, you’ve been selling your entire life! Every Facebook “friend invitation” you send, you’re selling. Every job interview is selling, regardless of which side of the table you’re on. Your version of “Leave a message after the beep” is selling, so is the message you do leave after the beep. You get the point – selling is not what you think. Selling is everything you do. If you hate selling, think of it this way – you have been selling yourself since you were born. You have been selling yourself personally and professionally, to your family, friends, teachers, coaches, teammates, bosses, co-workers, and to the world in general. And, even more enlightening is that fact that every time you spill your guts to make someone stronger, better, or lift someone out of the dumps, you’re making the biggest sale of all.
Unlike public sector, Entrepreneurs have to bleed to feed. You have to spill your guts to feed your family. If you hate selling because it’s beneath you or it’s degrading or frustrating or just too tough to do, think of this: you’ve done a great job of selling to get to where you are and what you have. You have sold yourself to build every relationship you have, personally and professionally. According to author, Gino Arcaro, you’ve found the SOULution: SOULar Energy. Be inspired to discover your SOUL of Selling as you read about Arcaro’s quest to harness his SOULar power and solve the selling puzzle.