One of the top 51 signs of incompetence is when they get pissed off at you when you ask them what to do. When things get too hard to do, the incompetent take it out on you. Incompetence is a deep dark secret that the incompetent want to keep as a deep dark secret. Incompetence is one of the top 26 causes of extreme Cognitive Dissonance, the killer stress of hiding the truth, that you are out of your league, that you are an amateur posing as a professional. They keep telling you you’re special until it’s time to do special things.
Here’s Real Life&Death Lesson #26,038 that I’ve taught football players, college law enforcement students, women’s lifting teams for 45 years – Special Teams win. Special Teams are the outcomes of Joint Forces generated by ordinary people who dedicate themselves unconditionally to getting #strongerandsmarter to make their team better, to make the world better. Special Teams are the product of 5th Degree Altruism, of dedicating oneself unconditionally to multiply your team’s mind-body-soul strength that in turn multiplies your own mind-body-soul strength exponentially.
I’ve taught teams for 45 years – the reason you get punched out on Gameday is you didn’t workout. Let yourself go physically, you let yourself go mentally. You have a moral obligation to get in Personal Best shape in Mind-Body-Soul when people depend on you.
The effect of incompetence on other people is immeasurable and unconscionable.
Be a lifting soul, not an asshole.
There is staggering incompetence throughout society. Amateurs posing as professionals. Amateurs hiding behind titles.
Incompetence victimizes people. If you are the victim of professional incompetence, I’m on your side. Its’ just more adversity that we have to fight together and beat together. No human can shutdown your drive to workout, to get #strongerandsmarter, every single day…NO…MATTER…WHAT.
My podcast today is at:
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#MUCHLOVE #soulofalifter
Blessings & all good things
Gino Arcaro