It’s June 16, 2021. The gym I own, X Fitness in Welland, Ontario, is still shutdown by the Ontario govt. This is the 3rd govt shutdown. Our staff gets messages almost every day asking when we will re-open. Our staff responds. I don’t respond because I have no idea when the govt will allow gyms to re-open. I’m truly confused about when we will re-open. Every shutdown has included cryptic govt messages in the news that piss me off. Good news. Here’s how I fight & beat the adversity of trying not to lose my business and trying not to go broke.
Good news part 1. I stopped watching the news. It saved the valuable energy I need to workout and write.
Good news part 2. I don’t read my social media newsfeed. It saves the killing of my brain cells.
Good news part 3. I convert stress to workout fuel.
Good news part 4. Being pissed off has been one of the top 26 contributing factors to my 51 yr workout streak without steroids or any drugs.
Good news part 5. Being pissed off saves me from ever needing pre-workout energy drinks or some guy yelling, “one more rep.”
Good news part 6. Every workout during my 51 yr workout streak has been a stress-reliever. I have used my workouts to fight & beat the adversity of life&death stress during my 15 yr policing career. I used my workouts to fight & beat the adversity and stress of coaching football players from scratch for 40 years and teaching & coordinating over 600 college law enforcement students annually for 2 decades.
Good news part 7. Every workout during the pandemic has fought & beat the stress of zero income during 3 govt. business shutdowns.
Conclusion. I never have and never will believe the bullshit that working out is non-essential. It is essential. 51 yrs of working out has been a life-saver in mind-body-soul. Those who don’t get it have never done it.
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#business #writing. The answers are at our re-built website
#MUCHLOVE #soulofalifter
Blessings & all good things
Gino Arcaro