Those who go deep in the playoffs, went deep before the playoffs. They went deeper in mind-body-soul than the rest while they rested. They went deeper during training. They went deeper during learning. They didn’t wait for the playoffs to try to do deeper than they went during training. Here’s Real Life&Death Lesson #26,041 that I’ve taught football players, college law enforcement students, women’s lifting teams for 45 years – It’s humanly impossible to go deeper in the playoffs – dual meaning – than you did during training. Playoff depth is directly connected to Training Depth. Playoff Depth will never exceed Training Depth. Guaranteed.
I’ve taught teams for 45 years:
Skill never beats will.
The will to work will always beat skill.
Talent is one of the top 51 most butchered words in the English language.
Teams have 2 choices every day – buy talent or build talent.
Talent-buyers are shopaholics who spend other people’s money trying to win championships. Talent-builders are workaholics who spend mind-body-soul energy and strength to build a Superstar Team instead of buying Superstar Individuals.
Shoppers don’t go deep in the playoffs – dual meaning – or before the playoffs.
Buyers don’t go deep in the playoffs – dual meaning – or before the playoffs.
Buyers and shoppers look for specials as a replacement for building something special.
Plug the following message into your headset before your first set today:
Never give into temptation to miss a workout.
Never give into temptation to quit during a workout.
Distance yourself from the rest – dual meaning.
Don’t coddle yourself on Training Day so you don’t busted-up on Gameday.
My podcast today is at:
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#MUCHLOVE #soulofalifter
Blessings & all good things
Gino Arcaro