That’s Real-Life Lesson #22,501 that I’ve taught all my teams for 43 years. Nothing worse than pushing a heavy weight halfway and dropping it because of halfass effort. Applies in real-life as well. If the weight was too heavy, it would not have moved at all. If you pushed it halfway, there’s no excuse for not pushing it All The Way.
Real Life Lessons

Reading Soul of a Lifter. “My life is better because of it.”
Chuck Simpson -
The more I listen, the more I admire! Thanks Gino
Sarah Stout -
Hope all is well up North. Let it be known that your books were one of many influences that inspired me to keep going with a positive spirit!
Ken Taylor, 85 Chicago Bears -
Hey Gino it was nice to finally meet you last night. Your really are inspirational in your no bullshit approach to life in a time when people sugar coat stuff so as to not hurt feelings. You tell it like it is – the world needs more of that.
Gord Colombe -
Reading Soul of a Lifter for the second time. Your writing and experience is a true inspiration. Amazing work. Thank you for sharing Mr. Arcaro.
Dean Difebo -
I’m proof that if you really want it, you will make the time and everyone deserves a lil’ ME time. Thanks to the awesome staff at X Fitness, Welland for inspiring me and introducing me to the world of weights! Thanks again Gino Arcaro and Leeann Arcaro-King!
Diana Saric -
You made a lasting impact on me. I’m playing LB for the Sarnia Imperials. I think everything I experienced with you as a coach has given me unrealistic expectations of other coaches. LOL. I miss your type of fierce presence on the field. You demanded the best and somehow found it in those willing to shut up, listen and learn.
Bob Artelle -
Gino….always an inspiration. I am reading your awesome book Soul of a Lifter. So far I can’t put it down. I remember you, always passionate and of course you still are on weightlifting, football, policing and life in general. Great job buddy. I wish you continued success and God Bless.
Dante Ciccone -
Had my first book sitting on the back burner for 10 years-just couldn’t finish it. Then I was interviewed by Gino Arcaro for his Blunt Talk podcast. He inspired me to finish the book. Have since gone on to write several more. Thanks Gino!
Anthony Stone -
Love the energy in your videos Gino
Derek Vervoorn - Membership Growth Specialist -
My first day at the gym… motivated by Soul of a Lifter… read all of it. Great book—gave it to a friend who is reading excerpts to his wife!
Pat Duffy -
Hey coach! I wanted to let you know, I’ve won my first Championship as a coach, last Saturday. The Offensive scheme I’ve been using is based on your SWAT Offense! Thank you!! I see a lot of good coming.
Carlos Toledo Martinez -
4th and Hell is Sun Tzu’s Art of War written by James Joyce and played out on a college football field. Oh, and did they get the 2 points and tie the match? You’ll just have to read the book and see.
Susan -
I see you are still living and promoting all things good. I know you probably reach a wide audience. Those who tune in are better for it. Thanks for your dedication to football; many great habits stuck with me through the years. Thanks for that!!
Scott Cairns -
Sorry Gino that it took so long to get back to you. I feel very flattered that a guy like you read and appreciated my book. I appreciate you and your motivation. I wish you all the best, JK
Jerry Kramer (Green Bay Packers) -
Coach Arcaro, I just wanted the thank you again for the SWAT No Huddle Offense book. We have incorporated so many elements of your SWAT philosophy into what we do on a daily basis. In fact, I have quoted you verbatim in our “Plan to Win”. The kids love the “Five Smooth Stones” analogy—it is apropos and relevant for our program as we are a fast, undersized Catholic school. We take great pride in the fact that we are DAVID taking on GOLIATH every game. Next season we will not huddle whatsoever—I am excited to battle-test our offense.
Joseph Adams (BC) -
Being interviewed on Gino’s podcast gave me the confidence to sell my football system—it was my “breakthrough.”
Joseph Lee -
Hey Coach, I just wanted to thank you for every6thing you did for my life. The Niagara Colts program instilled the values that made me successful today. You made a huge difference in my life and allowed me to realize that anything is possible. I am currently teaching junior high in Alberta and coaching minor football here. I will be competing in my first Ironman this summer! Thanks for everything Coach.
Sean Culp -
Love Gino and indeed felt a kindred chemistry with him. All of you are cool folks, but he is clearly an exceptional, one-of-a-kind soul. I’d love to work with him as a coach one day. His is one impressive, inspiring, heroic man.
Dr. Dave White, Communicator, Consultant, Counselor & Coach (podcast guest)